Call for reviewers

Help us review UXPA 2022 proposals to create the best program yet!


We want your help in making UXPA 2022 the best yet! Become a proposal reviewer and help shape the program for our conference in San Diego, CA. The deadline to sign up as a reviewer is Monday October 25, 2021.

What to expect when you join our review team:

  • Reviewing proposals is simple; you will be assigned five proposals to review in COMS, and you’ll fill out a brief evaluation form with comments.
  • The time commitment is 2-3 hours during October / November 2021.
  • You can review from anywhere on your own schedule, during specified dates.
  • Reviews and proposal submissions are both anonymous and completed online.


Note: If you submit a proposal, you are required to review three additional proposals for each proposal you submit.

Do you have questions? Send an email to

Get started by creating an account on COMS, the website we use to manage the review process