
Paige Valentine

Design Talent Manager, ExxonMobil

With over 25 years of experience as a UX researcher/designer and almost as many interviewing, hiring, and onboarding both new and experienced UX-ers, Paige has always had a passion for growing design talent. Having worked as a “design team of one”, start-ups, small companies, and large enterprises, she has enjoyed working with enterprises most of all due to the infrastructure provided and their large networks of people. 
As the Design Talent Manager for ExxonMobil, she met with interested employees about moving into design and/or research roles and helped to create a mentorship program designed to help grow the skills needed to become a user experience professional. She also coordinated the development of learning roadmaps for each of our design skills (e.g. interaction design, user research, service design, visual design, etc.).

My Sessions

When you’re the only unicorn on the enterprise farm

Waterloo Salon 1-4

Navigating a UX career can be tough enough if you’re part of a large mature UX organization, but what if you’re in a large enterprise company that is relatively new to UX especially if the primary revenue source isn’t software? Our panelists have all been in large enterprise companies with immature UX programs over our […]

Career Development Entry Level