Texas State University
Dara Chilton is an award-winning multi-disciplined designer, published author, and Climate Designer. A Master of Fine Arts Candidate, Dara focuses on entrepreneurship and UX design within Texas State University’s Art and Design Department. Her interests include habit systems, behavior change, sustainability, and design and systems thinking. An advocate for systems change to meet our net zero emissions goal in 2050, Dara is also interested in how to employ sustainability as a strategy within UX to gain stakeholder buy-in. This purpose-driven strategy is not only good for the Earth but good for business and the bottom line.
Join this informal session and explore the posters of UXPA International 2023 Poster Presented by Perception matters: rules of thumb for making the best use of your users’ time Jeeyoung Yang, Meira Chefitz & Thomas Ortelt Atomic Research in Practice: Using a Feedback Repository to Make User-Driven Decisions Bo Kim Facilitating fun – How UX […]